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Bio Compatibility Foods Program

The testing will show you;

food items (and household products) that are NOT COMPATIBLE to you,

and food items that ARE COMPATIBLE.

Outside Dinner


Who would have thought broccoli, strawberries or garlic could be causing you deep cellular aggravation?  What we consider to be 'heathy', could in-fact be an in-compatible food item causing you irritation or inflammation.  When you eliminate the trigger foods that have come up for you, (or household products in your environment), your body will do what it is designed to do naturally, and heal itself at a CELLULAR LEVEL.


This is a 6 month eating program. 

Within week 1 - 4, I have had clients see significant improvement. 


This is for you if you have:

Chronic illness, skin issues, (eczema, psoriasis, etc.), gut issues, fatigue, low on energy,  brain fag, difficulty with concentration, allergies, low immunity (always getting sick), ear infections, thrush, bad breath, restless legs, joint pain, asthma, PMS, bloating, behavioural, reflux, general feeling unwell and more...


I recommend this eating program to anyone that wants to heal their body, reduce inflammation, feel better and take their health to the next level.


Investment: $397 which includes a

600+ standard foods and product list.


*other food reports available i.e, aldi, baby,indian, animal

*additional items tested separately at $8 each 


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